The Elf Cookie Boxes! Yum! The Workers really appreciate

1st place Team: John Lindemann, Clare Clark, Julia Mathews, Jim Brownlowe with Eric and Wendell Clark

3rd Place Team: Joan Muller, Johnnie Wofford, Larry Clausen, Stella Kiddo & Eric

Cartersville Ladies Invitational 2023 - Colleen Reimer, Della Judy, Chris Woods, Charlotte O'Connor, Joan Muller, & Clare Clark

Overall Team Low Net Winners at the Pinetree Ladies Invitational in May - Jamie Coleman, Brenda Lighter, Ellen Vander Linden, & Clare Clark

Proximity Winners: Closest to the Pin on #2: Jamie Coleman; Straightest Drive on #4: Joanne Bertolani

Closest the Pin Winner: Larry Clausen

3rd Place Team Winners: Karen Smitherman, Sue Turner, Colleen Reimer, & Rita Newell

1st place winners: Jamie Coleman, Pat Bolin, Karen Smitherman & Kathy Glassford
1st place Team winners: Fran Brandino, Kim Krek, Susan Farnham & Jeanne Maples

Closest to the Pin Winner: Colleen Reimer

2nd Place Team Winners: Kerry Brownlowe, Kathy Francis, Charlotte O'Connor, & Sheri Underwood

Bent Tree Ladies Invitational in June - Pat Bolin, Amy Brown, Nancy Leist, Joanie Rogge, Fran Brandino, & Priscilla O'Connell

Proximity Winners: Kerry, Della & Joyce

2nd place Team: Kathleen Lindemann, Al Stover, Pat Bolin (not pictured), Mark Clarke-Hall (not pictured) & Eric